Thursday, October 29, 2009

Choose? why???

I usually walk the middle road hoping to preserve all of my options. Picking one of them means giving up on all the others and God knows when I'll be ready for this. I just realized that "Forever" scares me more than "never more" ...

People are always watching the preferences of others perhaps as an attempt to assess the accessibility of each one. single, married or divorced; Protestant, Catholic or Buddhist; straight, gay or bi; Democrat or Republican; book, movie or music; pop, rock or funk; cinema, library or beach; vodka martini or beer ... (I get a glass of juice ...) skirt, dress or jeans; fish, meat or chicken; orkut, my space or facebook; msn, yahoo or skype ... cash, check or credit card; alcohol, natural gas or gasoline; Mc Donalds or... (hmmm no choices there?) hahahaha I want it alllllll! why can't I? I'm just a spoiled little girl with a poor dad ? lol

Choices ... that's what they are made for, to give us labels that impose limits and reduce us into numbers in some behavioral statistics. I like to think that the possibilities never end and we can always try out a different direction at any time without causing further damage. But not quite ... repairing a wrong choice can cause very painful disorders.

I must admit that being on the fence, although exciting, does not take me anywhere ... But all I want is just be myself and can range from a barbecue to a salad without being known as vegetarian or carnivorous. Simply Gleisi! unlabeled but with maaaaany ingredients! ;)

As Michael Jackson would say... This is it! hehehehe

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