Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

love nowadays...

Everything around us is affected by the time. not only material things worn over the years but also the beliefs, values, customs .... often I hear my mother use the phrase "in my time ...
" What about love? has it changed? it no longer exists? is it out of fashion?

People have shown hatred to love. A fine and beautiful feeling but linked by many to disappointment, frustration, loss ... Until some time ago, people ran in search of love, now they are fleeing it. Love can be synonymous with weakness, feeling that modern society does not allow us to. Gradually touchy letters gave rise to cold e-mails, flowers and tickets were exchanged for expensive jewelry, instead of romantic dinners, sex on the first date! The subjectivity of love fell into disuse while the casual sex became part of creeping meetings of such modern couples. Well, why waste so much time if I can go straight to my goal? hmmm seems a bit obvious ...
The pudency of maidens stayed there in my moms time ... (well, at least they were more discrete lol)

We STILL did not become robots programmed to satisfy ourselves sexually, even though we are almost there ... But what remains of feelings in us, nowadays, is something I title of "syndrome of momentary interest" easily confused with passion ... Someone awakens your interest, becomes part of your daily thoughts, until you realize that that person is a potential heartbreaker. And as cowards, we prefer to leave the ship instead of facing the fears and get the chance to live a great love.

Yes... Love has become a luxury for a few ...
A challenge for those who still think that love is worth!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

O Amor no século XXI

Tudo a nossa volta é afetado pelo tempo. não apenas coisas materiais que se desgastam com o passar dos anos mas também as crenças, os valores, os costumes.... não raro ouço minha mãe usar a expressão: "no meu tempo..."
E quanto ao amor??? Será que ele mudou? deixou de existir? está fora de moda?

As pessoas tem se mostrado avessas ao amor. Um sentimento nobre e bonito porém associado por muitos a desilusões, frustrações, perdas... Até algum tempo as pessoas corriam em busca do amor, hoje elas fogem dele. Amar pode ser sinônimo de fraqueza, sentimento que a sociedade moderna não nos permite.

Aos poucos as cartas melosas deram lugar aos frios e-mails, as flores e os bilhetes foram trocados por jóias caras, ao invés de jantares românticos, sexo no primeiro encontro! A subjetividade do amor caiu em desuso enquanto o sexo casual passou a fazer parte dos encontros furtivos dos casais ditos modernos. Por que perder tanto tempo se posso ir direto ao meu objetivo? hmmm parece um tanto óbvio... O pudor das donzelas ficou lá nos tempos da minha mãe ...

AINDA nao nos tornamos robôs programados para se satisfazerem sexualmente, muito embora estejamos quase lá ... Porém o que ainda resta de sentimentos em nós, nos dias atuais, é algo que eu intitulei de "síndrome do interesse momentâneo" facinho de confundir com paixão... Alguém desperta o seu interesse, passa a fazer parte dos seus pensamentos diários, até você se dar conta de que aquela pessoa é um potencial arrasador de corações. E, como covardes que somos, preferimos abandonar o navio a enfrentar os medos e ter a chance de viver um grande amor.

É... O Amor se tornou um luxo pra poucos...
um desafio encarado apenas por aqueles que ainda acreditam que amar vale apena!

Saturday, April 11, 2009




They might never die...

From nice moments you live, all it lasts are the remembrances of them. After some time you no longer know what was really true... the remembrances miss their smell, their taste, their colors... and soon all you have is some pictures taken, where you see the smiley you had on your face living what you believed was the best day of your life...
you wonder if these memories are being shared by the one who lived them with you...
And it´s funny how wonderful moments full of happiness become simple remembrances which become tears cause you cant get that day back, then everything becomes nostalgy and at last all you want is get free of them... you wish all those remembrances stay where they belong to. somewhere in the past!
Everytime I think they have gone... they get awake by a smell, a song... and someday, hopefully, by the taste of your lips!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This song was made to me! he just didn´t know...

This song, this movie... Shes a 13 years old girl stuck on a 30 yrs old woman´s body...

any similarity is just coincidence... lol

yeah... sometimes I feel like a young teen stuck in this body...

The lyrics of this song is almost a reading of my soul =) join it!

I wish this song would reminde YOU of me =) YOUR girl!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

everything is relative

What should we believe? Things are what they are untill someone convinces us of something else. black is black till someone says its white.
In the past they used to say the earth was squared... and who would be crazy enough to say it was not... you could end getting your body burnt by intolerant people who would say you were a witch, a wizard... whatever... but then someone convinced the humanity that the earth was round. And well, ok... its round... I heard that as a kid, for some time at least. The year next my new teacher said the Earth had the shape of a pear... the year next the earth is round but flattened at the poles... too much information to my juvenile brain! but at least, nowadays, if I decide to believe the Earth is a huge triangle the maximum I can get is being known as lunatic...

We are kind of conditioned to believe what people tell us to. Its easier! My mom used to complain about heartburn everytime she would have lemon... and holly crap! we would feel this having lemon! then we saw on tv lemon is a great medicine against stomachache... and it works lol Whats the explanation?? the power of persuasion? what´s behind all those informations? someone wishing to sell more lemons?? lol

I guess my questioning spirit has blossomed lately... specially after I heard pluto lost its status of and now, out of the blue I have to accept that pluto is just a... well I even don´t know what .

To summarize... Well, all this makes me feel powerless and controled by other people who create a World that we believe its right there but will never get the chance to verify by ourselves!

That´s it!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Im so bored... I miss something... someone...
I hate this feeling of being powerless about something.
NOTHING I can do to have you here.
I wanna be with you sharing the air you breath...
If this is not love, its a lot like it!