Sunday, January 17, 2010

tragedy vs depression

The news show the tragedies all over the world. Mudslides, earthquackes, tsunamis... and we wonder why all this happens, we feel sorry... but that's all. We are too busy with our own personal tragedies looking for a shelter in someone's arms, the warmth of a kiss or just someone to help us to find the way back home.

We cry in bed, they cry for a bed! we dont feel like eating, they kill for eating!
We want chocolate to satisfy our anxieties, they need any food to survive.

They lost their houses; we lost our homes. They lost their relatives; we lost our self-steem.
They lost their food; we lost our hunger for life. They lost their hope, we lost our dignity.
They need help... but our concern about our own problems took the compassion away.

Feeling depressed because you lost something in life? think about those who dont have anything else to loose...

A hurray for those who instead of being home in the confort of their beds writing in a blog, are there, helping someone to survive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't beat yourself up, Glaysi. You aren't God, you cannot make such things not happen and you cannot make it better for everyone or maybe even anyone. We all should do what we can for each other, but we are so limited by our own humaness. Make the most of yourself so you can take care of you and yours first and that takes away the burden of society to support you. Then, if you can, you help others. I haven't yet figured out when we have enough for me and mine to worry so much about others. I know I am blessed and I do what I can. have a different set of circumstances that you must determine the when, what and how.

Prayer is what you can give freely and abundantly.
