Thursday, October 29, 2009

Choose? why???

I usually walk the middle road hoping to preserve all of my options. Picking one of them means giving up on all the others and God knows when I'll be ready for this. I just realized that "Forever" scares me more than "never more" ...

People are always watching the preferences of others perhaps as an attempt to assess the accessibility of each one. single, married or divorced; Protestant, Catholic or Buddhist; straight, gay or bi; Democrat or Republican; book, movie or music; pop, rock or funk; cinema, library or beach; vodka martini or beer ... (I get a glass of juice ...) skirt, dress or jeans; fish, meat or chicken; orkut, my space or facebook; msn, yahoo or skype ... cash, check or credit card; alcohol, natural gas or gasoline; Mc Donalds or... (hmmm no choices there?) hahahaha I want it alllllll! why can't I? I'm just a spoiled little girl with a poor dad ? lol

Choices ... that's what they are made for, to give us labels that impose limits and reduce us into numbers in some behavioral statistics. I like to think that the possibilities never end and we can always try out a different direction at any time without causing further damage. But not quite ... repairing a wrong choice can cause very painful disorders.

I must admit that being on the fence, although exciting, does not take me anywhere ... But all I want is just be myself and can range from a barbecue to a salad without being known as vegetarian or carnivorous. Simply Gleisi! unlabeled but with maaaaany ingredients! ;)

As Michael Jackson would say... This is it! hehehehe

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

escolher?? pra que??

Eu trilho fronteiras para ter todos os caminhos ao meu alcance. Escolher um deles significa abrir mão de todos os outros e sabe Deus quando eu vou estar pronta pra isso. Me dei conta de que "Pra sempre" me assusta mais do que "nunca mais"...

As pessoas estão sempre de olho nas preferências alheias talvez na tentativa de avaliar a acessibilidade de cada um. solteiro, casado ou divorciado; protestante, católico ou budista; hétero, homo ou bi; democrata ou republicano; livro, filme ou música; forró, samba ou axé; cinema, praia ou biblioteca; vodka, martini ou cerveja... (eu fico com um copo de suco...) saia, vestido ou calça jeans; peixe, carne ou frango; orkut, my space ou facebook; msn, yahoo ou skype... dinheiro, cheque ou cartão; alcool, gás natural ou gasolina hahahaha Eu quero tudooooooooo! por que que eu não posso ter? sou só uma garotinha mimada com um pai pobre...

Escolhas... é pra isso que elas servem, pra nos dar rótulos que impõem limites e nos enquadram em estatísticas comportamentais. Prefiro pensar que as possibilidades nunca acabam e um caminho errado pode ser trocado por outro quando bem entendermos sem causar danos maiores. Mas não é bem assim... reparar uma escolha errada pode causar transtornos bastante dolorosos. os divorciados que o digam...

Preciso admitir que ficar em cima do muro, apesar de excitante, não vai me levar a lugar nenhum...Mas eu queria ser apenas eu mesma e poder variar entre um churrasco ou uma salada sem ser taxada de carnívora ou vegetariana. Simplesmente Gleisi! sem rótulo mas com muuuuuuitos ingredientes! ;)

como diria Michael Jackson... This is It hehehhehe

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Almost Postumous Memories...

Almost Posthumous Memoirs
Last Monday I tryed to donate blood but that inquiring middle aged girl, who looks like she just jumped from the 60´s, found a reason to stop me. She asked about diseases, if I take any kind of pills, if I had taken any vaccine last few weeks, if I do drugs, if I have fucked lately... have I?? lol hope she keeps secrets... lol and then... she caught me! "what did u have for lunch?" I mentioned sausage... she had those happy evil eyes telling me "unfortunetelly you can´t do it today. Maybe next time" well I got pissed at her then I headed to the beach with my friend where we drank beer and I tryed my first cigarrete ever. (hopefully the last one) yuckkkkkkkkkkkkk

Well today I tryed again... but I went by myself. Everything went good as I knew already what I could or not eat :P the weird girl seemed more friendly this time.

I went to that white room... and a girl came with that needle larger than my arm lol I turned my head so I wouldnt see it coming into my skin. I couldnt resist, than I took a look on my arm and all the blood leaving me. so far, so good.

After some minutes the girl took the needle off. I started to feel like vomiting. and I did a little bit... I felt pretty bad, like my life was going away from me while that girl kept telling me to keep my eyes opened... God! I put some effort on that... "will I dye if I close them?" lol Thats all I could think. After endless minutes I felt better... then she checked my pressure... it was 90/60. they kinda forced me to eat something after... man, I was weak!

well... going through all this experience, what else to do besides going to see the sea??? I traveled over 50km... I needed to chech if there were still waves there. yes there are! I sat down on the sand, by my own, feeling the wind on my hair, the sand on my foot and the life in me! I had a greatful smiley!

okkkkkkkkk it doesnt sound too bad... but it was the closest I got to death... And im not the dying type... hahaha I LOVE LIVINGGGGGGGGG =)


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Beach Park

cute couple...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

niece and nephew
niece and sister

me (behind the sunglasses)

dessert (defore dinner)
